Thursday, September 16, 2010

highschool life :)


salam syawal..

baru td aku terima msg dari seorg rakan..mesej indah yg dia bagi..tajuknya 'the sweet school memories'..mmg bikin aku tgkp dlm laa..senior year laa katekan..antara yg rakan aku ni selit dlm msg dia ialah;

the sweet school memories;
- 1 side love
- teasing teacher
- escape from class
- silent mode mobiles
- last period ponteng
- burfday treat
- 1st love in skool
- last minute preparation
- over nite study 4 next day exam
- exam marks problem
- non stop chit chating

bg aku smue ni mmg saat2 manis dlm kehidupan aku sbg seorg anak remaja & seorg pelajar..ok yg bab ponteng tu aku x buat ok!! sbnrnye buat aku saat2 manis spnjg zaman persekolahan aku sgt2 bnyk..rasenye nak snarai pon maw pnjg menjela..kauorg nak ke bace??hahaha..kita kire sndri taw laa..kauorg pon msti ade sweet moments mase zmn persekolahan..kadang tu yg pahit tu laa yg manis sbnrnye..kan??kan?? aku rase lepas dah habis spm nnti msti aku sparuh giler merindui setiap saat sbg seorg pelajar..aku akan rindu saat kitorg tggu2 loceng terakhir bunyi..aku akan rindu saat setiap jumaat lepak dekat metro shopping complex..aku akan rindu saat kena marah dgn ckgu sbb keje skolah x buat & x bawak..aku akan rindu saat team PPIJB kelam kabut selesaikan program..aku akan rindu semua yg ade dkt skolah tu..aku masih ingat seorg teman pernah berkata;

" i cant wait being a college student"

ok pada aku..biarlah zaman kolej tu lmbt lagi..aku masih nak rase kehangatan menjadi sang pelajar sekolah yg duit belanja 10 rggt smggu...yg balik rumah ibunya siapkan makan..yg tiap petang pergi ko-ko..yg setiap kali nak pergi lawatan ibu & ayah sign borang kebenaran..aaahhhh..indahnya jadi seorg pelajar!! :))

tadi aku ade bace '5 lessons from highschool movies ' dekat aku ade terbace yg ni..aku curik sbb nak share dgn kauorg..aku rase bnde ni cool and sekaki dgn pendpt aku ttg highschool life!! ;)

"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick)

Yes, high school is important. Grades, SAT scores, and extracurricular activities all factor in to college applications and setting the course for your life. But it's not so important that you shouldn't allow yourself to have some fun now and again. That's not to say that skipping school is a good idea, just keep things in perspective and every so often watch a movie.


oh ya..tadi aku bace dkt yahoo pasal fb..tajuk dia ' dont share this on facebook '..dia tulis dkt situ ade beberapa perkara yg kita x patut dedahkan pasal diri kita dkt fb sbb boleh menyebabkan rompakan dll..hah..dah mcm tulis ape je..haha :D

ni ade beberape yg aku cilok dari yahoo yg nak aku share dgn kauorg jugak;

Your Birth Date and Place

Sure, you can say what day you were born, but if you provide the year and where you were born too, you've just given identity thieves a key to stealing your financial life, said Givens. A study done by Carnegie Mellon showed that a date and place of birth could be used to predict most — and sometimes all — of the numbers in your Social Security number, she said.

Vacation Plans

There may be a better way to say "Rob me, please" than posting something along the lines of: "Count-down to Maui! Two days and Ritz Carlton, here we come!" on Twitter. But it's hard to think of one. Post the photos on Facebook when you return, if you like. But don't invite criminals in by telling them specifically when you'll be gone.

aku mmg suke bace news dkt yahoo..agak mcm ade yg best2 aku bukak laa..lg2 yg pasal artis..hahaha..yg ni x kelentong..bese laa remaja..hehehe..alasan seyh.. :))

ok2..sudah2..stop dkt sini..nak pegi beli surt khabar kejap..see you around ok!! :)

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