nice day huh..dah lame x update only i got a chace to update laa..lately slalu balek lmbt..blek rumah lpas solat isyak dh tido..bgn pepagi bute siapkan keje sekolah smbil2 sahur..u noe..ganti pose..dh syaaban ni..lg bbrp hari dh nk masok ramdhan..n few days to go before trial exam..fiuuhh..feeeww daaayyss..time is running away from..feel like yesterday i check in the school but now sudah bulan 7..haiyaak!!
sbnrnye ade byk cerita nk kongsi..u without story mmg bkn life la tu..aku ni jenisnye seorg yg suke berkongsi cerita..kekadang tu kalau cerite tu kenangan manis bg aku..aku akan ulang cerita tu smpai laa org ckp "stop telling me the story..i've heard it enough.." ok then baru la aku senyap..dis week trying to avoid liking him soo bad..trying to get rid dat odd feeling..and hepi wif my life..and obviously i've seen people around me..hahahah :D juz kidding..x de lah smpai bute cenggitu sungguhpon aku slalu usha die kan..(paham x?? - -")
smalam pegi tgk wayang dgn siblings..who else la kan..hmm..tgk my fav. the twilite saga eclipse..hohoho..hari tu ingtkan nk g tgk dgn kengkwan tp x dpt sbb mak x bagi..huhuhuhu..sedeyh giler..mak x bagi pegi sbb kantoi keje skolah bnyk..gagagaga :DD tp nseb baek la i have understanding brother n sister..terima kasih pada yg ESA.. :))
eclipse mmg aku x dpt feel kaboom filem tu sbb i've read the novel + i've read eclipse novella..mmg gilerlah..i can predict wat happen next..n so on..time dorg tgh fight tu pon mcm x mmberikan impak yg besar..i cant feel my adrenaline in my nerves..bulu roma x terangkat mcm tgk new moon last year..when they show the started to thinking bout eclipse de maknenye tengokkan??mmg x kan dpt la kaboom filem tu..honestly..i really..really superb njoy read it than watch it..
few days ni mcm ade some kind of crisis i think..the point is with my besties..u bestfrend! she just walk away without saying anything..few days back she didnt tanye khabar and she even didnt say hi...shoot..what the hell is she thinking huh?? for sudden im lost in my own world..for sudden she makes me like i have HIV or wat..knock it out!!juz tell me the truth laa..i hurt your feeling then tell me so dat i noe dat im dat i can say sorry..stop pretending like im 'miss invisible-wif-no-feelings'..
alhamdulillah..sbb aku sygkan dis frenship aku tegur jugak die pg td..and die bg feedback yg first tu mcm cuak jugak la mane taw aku syok ckp2 dgn die..die senyap je an..kan dh malu..gagagaga..pon begitu, aku masih x taw sbb musabab die nk jdik mcm x pe..let the past be the past.. :)
masuk hari ni dh 2 hari x masok klas..n dats mean 2 hari jugak x blaja..sbb..hari khamis hari tu ade bengkel tulisan giler..ustadz tu mmg sempoi..n btol ape yg ustazah ckp.."kamu keluar je bengkel tu saye jamin kamu akan pandai jawi." saye sokong ustazah..berbaloi saye byr sepoloh hengget tu.. :)) sbb kedua adlh..hari ni ade program peningkatan physics n chemistry..penceramah mmg best..gilaa..gilaa..hahahaha..they give the simplest way to learn n answers SPM questions..x mengantok..mmg worth it la aku dtg hari ni..wlaupon keje skolah x siap..ngeh..ngeh..
wat else to share..hmmm..ouh ye..few days or weeks back after the 'thursday incident' tu aku cube nk get rid my feelings towards him..and guess wat..lg kerap pulak aku jumpe die..hampeh btol..siap bole hari tu die park moto sblh yg nk story ni..cenggini cerita tu aku smpai skolah..time tu az n tini ponn dh smpai..dorg tgh lepak dkt parking lot aku pon join la dorg..lepak2 kejap..then time aku baru je park moto die smpai..die sesmpai je die tggu aku gerak sbb die nk park moto dkt sket..aku pon bile org nk parking menjauhkanlah diri..pegi dkt the other side of my motor..then die pon parklah motonye disblh aku..tu je cite die sbrnye..lg satu everyday stiap kali aku nk trun dri kantin nk g perhimpunan msti jumpe die..wajiblah..then..yg paling x tahannye ade satu malam tu aku mimpi die SENYUM dekat aku..what???! ni mmg sengaje ni..boleh giler woooh.. duuuhhh!
wat else eh??hmmm.mcm x de pape je lg..tu je la la..tu je la..abg aku pon dh balik umah..dats mean kene cpt2 logout..kalo x mampuih r die bace..huhuhuhu.. *segan*
in a nutshell;
your life, your way..never give up coz impossible is nothing..they got nothing on you!!